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🗒️ 2017/11 (143)

  1. 2017.11.08 [header][Input/Output] istream

    *[header][Input/Output] istream Input streamHeader providing the standard input and combined input/output stream classes: Class templatesbasic_istreamInput stream (class template )basic_iostreamInput/output stream (class template ) ClassesistreamInput stream (class )iostreamInput/output stream (class )wistreamInput stream (wide) (class )wiostreamInput/output stream (wide) (class ) Input manipula..

  2. 2017.11.08 [header][Input/Output] iostream

    *[header][Input/Output] iostream Standard Input / Output Streams LibraryHeader that defines the standard input/output stream objects: C++98C++11Including this header may automatically include other headers, such as , , , and/or . C++98C++11Including automatically includes also , , , and . Note that the iostream class is mainly declared in header . Objects Narrow characters (char)cinStandard inpu..

  3. 2017.11.08 [header][Input/Output] iosfwd

    *[header][Input/Output] iosfwd Input-Output forward declarationsThis header provides forward declarations for the types of the standard input/output library. Note that the file does not contain the template definitions, and thus shall only be included in other headers to provide forward declarations of these types. C++98C++111 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27..

  4. 2017.11.08 [header][Input/Output] ios

    *[header][Input/Output] ios Input-Output base classesHeader providing base classes and types for the IOStream hierarchy of classes: TypesClass templatesbasic_iosBase class for streams (type-dependent components) (class template )fposStream position class template (class template ) ClassesiosBase class for streams (type-dependent components) (class )ios_baseBase class for streams (class )wiosBase..

  5. 2017.11.08 [header][Input/Output] iomanip

    *[header][Input/Output] iomanip IO ManipulatorsHeader providing parametric manipulators: Parametric manipulatorssetiosflagsSet format flags (function )resetiosflagsReset format flags (function )setbaseSet basefield flag (function )setfillSet fill character (function )setprecisionSet decimal precision (function )setwSet field width (function )get_money Get monetary value (function )put_money Put ..

  6. 2017.11.08 [header][Input/Output] fstream

    *[header][Input/Output] fstream File streamsHeader providing file stream classes: Class templatesbasic_ifstreamInput file stream (class template )basic_ofstreamOutput file stream (class template )basic_fstreamFile stream (class template )basic_filebufFile stream buffer (class template ) ClassesNarrow characters (char)ifstreamInput file stream class (class )ofstreamOutput file stream (class )fstr..

  7. 2017.11.08 [header][Multi-threading] thread (C++11)

    *[header][Multi-threading] thread (C++11) ThreadHeader that declares the thread class and the this_thread namespace: ClassesthreadThread (class ) Classesthis_threadThis thread (namespace ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/thread/

  8. 2017.11.08 [header][Multi-threading] mutex (C++11)

    *[header][Multi-threading] mutex (C++11) Mutex Header with facilities that allow mutual exclusion (mutex) of concurrent execution of critical sections of code, allowing to explicitly avoid data races. It contains mutex types, lock types and specific functions: Mutex types are lockable types used to protect access to a critical section of code: locking a mutex prevents other threads from locking ..

  9. 2017.11.08 [header][Multi-threading] future (C++11)

    *[header][Multi-threading] future (C++11) FutureHeader with facilities that allow asynchronous access to values set by specific providers, possibly in a different thread. Each of these providers (which are either promise or packaged_task objects, or calls to async) share access to a shared state with a future object: the point where the provider makes the shared state ready is synchronized with ..

  10. 2017.11.08 [header][Multi-threading] condition_variable (C++11)

    *[header][Multi-threading] condition_variable (C++11) Condition variableHeader that declares condition variable types: Classescondition_variableCondition variable (class )condition_variable_anyCondition variable (any lock) (class ) Enum classescv_statusCondition variable status (enum class ) Functionsnotify_all_at_thread_exitNotify all at thread exit (function ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/..

  11. 2017.11.08 [header][Multi-threading] atomic (C++11)

    *[header][Multi-threading] atomic (C++11) AtomicAtomic types are types that encapsulate a value whose access is guaranteed to not cause data races and can be used to synchronize memory accesses among different threads. This header declares two C++ classes, atomic and atomic_flag, that implement all the features of atomic types in self-contained classes. The header also declares an entire set of ..

  12. 2017.11.08 [header][other] valarray

    *[header][other] valarray Library for arrays of numeric valuesThis header declares the valarray class and its auxiliary classes and functions: ClassesvalarrayValarray class (class template )sliceValarray slice selector (class )gsliceValarray generalized slice selector (class ) Intermediate classes (returned by valarray::operator[] ): slice_arrayValarray slice selection (class template )gslice_ar..

  13. 2017.11.08 [header][other] utility

    *[header][other] utility Utility componentsThis header contains utilities in unrelated domains: Pairs: objects that can hold two values of different types: pair, make_pair, piecewise_construct, piecewise_construct_t.Generic relational operators: Standard definitions for the relational operators !=, >, = under a specific namespace: rel_ops.Rvalue casts (C++11): Allow the generation of rvalue refe..

  14. 2017.11.08 [header][other] type_traits (C++11)

    *[header][other] type_traits (C++11) type_traitsThis header defines a series of classes to obtain type information on compile-time. The header contains: Helper classes: Standard classes to assist in creating compile-time constants.Type traits: Classes to obtain characteristics of types in the form of compile-time constant values.Type transformations: Classes to obtain new types by applying speci..

  15. 2017.11.08 [header][other] typeinfo

    *[header][other] typeinfo Type informationThis header defines types used related to operators typeid and dynamic_cast. The inclusion of this header is required prior to any use of the typeid operator. Typestype_infoType information type (class )bad_castException thrown on failure to dynamic cast (class )bad_typeidException thrown on typeid of null pointer (class ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.co..

  16. 2017.11.08 [header][other] typeindex (C++11)

    *[header][other] typeindex (C++11) Type indexThis header defines the type_index class and a specialization of hash for this type. Classestype_indexType index (class ) Class specializationshashHash for type_index (class template specialization ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/typeindex/

  17. 2017.11.08 [header][other] tuple (C++11)

    *[header][other] tuple (C++11) Tuple libraryTuples are objects that pack elements of -possibly- different types together in a single object, just like pair objects do for pairs of elements, but generalized for any number of elements. Conceptually, they are similar to plain old data structures (C-like structs) but instead of having named data members, its elements are accessed by their order in t..

  18. 2017.11.08 [header][other] system_error (C++11)

    *[header][other] system_error (C++11) System errorsThis header defines a series of standardized elements to report error conditions originating from the operating system or other low-level operations. Most such errors are identified by a single integer value, which is sometimes system-specific. The class error_codeencapsulates and preserves these system-generated values associating them with an ..

  19. 2017.11.08 [header][other] string

    *[header][other] string StringsThis header introduces string types, character traits and a set of converting functions: Class templatesbasic_stringGeneric string class (class template )char_traitsCharacter traits (class template ) Class instantiationsstringString class (class )u16string String of 16-bit characters (class )u32string String of 32-bit characters (class )wstringWide string (class ) ..

  20. 2017.11.08 [header][other] stdexcept

    *[header][other] stdexcept Exception classesThis header defines a set of standard exceptions that both the library and programs can use to report common errors. They are divided in two sets: ClassesLogic errorslogic_errorLogic error exception (class )domain_errorDomain error exception (class )invalid_argumentInvalid argument exception (class )length_errorLength error exception (class )out_of_ran..

  21. 2017.11.08 [header][other] regex (C++11)

    *[header][other] regex (C++11) Regular ExpressionsRegular expressions are a standardized way to express patterns to be matched against sequences of characters. The standard C++ library provides support for regular expressions in the header through a series of operations. All these operations make use of some typical regex parameters: Target sequence (subject): The sequence of characters searched..

  22. 2017.11.08 [header][other] ratio (C++11)

    *[header][other] ratio (C++11) Ratio headerThis header declares the ratio class template and several auxiliary types to operate with them. A ratio expresses a proportion (such as 1:3, or 1000:1) as a set of two compile-time constants (its numerator and its denominator). The type itself is used to express the ratio (objects of these types hold no value). Within the standard library, ratio types a..

  23. 2017.11.08 [header][other] random (C++11)

    *[header][other] random (C++11) RandomThis header introduces random number generation facilities. This library allows to produce random numbers using combinations of generators and distributions: Generators: Objects that generate uniformly distributed numbers.Distributions: Objects that transform sequences of numbers generated by a generator into sequences of numbers that follow a specific rando..

  24. 2017.11.08 [header][other] numeric

    *[header][other] numeric Generalized numeric operationsThis header describes a set of algorithms to perform certain operations on sequences of numeric values. Due to their flexibility, they can also be adapted for other kinds of sequences. FunctionsaccumulateAccumulate values in range (function template )adjacent_differenceCompute adjacent difference of range (function template )inner_productCom..

  25. 2017.11.08 [header][other] new

    *[header][other] new Dynamic memoryThis header describes functions used to manage dynamic storage in C++. Exceptionally within the standard library, this header declares several functions in the global namespace instead of within the std namespace: These are the operator overloads for operator new and operator delete, which handle dynamic storage requests. Some of these functions have also the s..

  26. 2017.11.08 [header][other] memory

    *[header][other] memory Memory elementsThis header defines general utilities to manage dynamic memory: AllocatorsallocatorDefault allocator (class template )allocator_arg Allocator arg (object )allocator_arg_t Allocator arg type (class )allocator_traits Allocator traits (class template ) Managed pointersauto_ptrAutomatic Pointer [deprecated] (class template )auto_ptr_refReference to automatic po..

  27. 2017.11.08 [header][other] locale

    *[header][other] locale Localization libraryA locale is a set of features that are culture-specific, which can be used by programs to be more portable internationally. In C++, locales are represented by an object of the locale class. Each of these locale objects contains all the information needed to use a set of culture-dependent features. But locale objects do not contain the features directly..

  28. 2017.11.08 [header][other] limits

    *[header][other] limits Numeric limitsThis header defines elements with the characteristics of arithmetic types. More specifically, it defines a numeric_limitsclass template and a specialization of it for each of the fundamental types: Classesnumeric_limitsNumeric limits type (class template ) Enum typesfloat_round_styleEnum type for float rounding style (type )float_denorm_styleEnum type for fl..

  29. 2017.11.08 [header][other] iterator

    *[header][other] iterator Iterator definitionsAn iterator is any object that, pointing to some element in a range of elements (such as an array or a container), has the ability to iterate through the elements of that range using a set of operators (with at least the increment (++) and dereference (*) operators). The most obvious form of iterator is a pointer: A pointer can point to elements in a..

  30. 2017.11.08 [header][other] initializer_list (C++11)

    *[header][other] initializer_list (C++11) Initializer listHeader that defines the initializer_list class template. Class templatesinitializer_listInitializer list (class template ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/initializer_list/


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