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*[header][other] system_error (C++11)


System errors
This header defines a series of standardized elements to report error conditions originating from the operating system or other low-level operations.

Most such errors are identified by a single integer value, which is sometimes system-specific. The class error_codeencapsulates and preserves these system-generated values associating them with an error_category.

These objects can be compared against objects of type error_condition, which is a very similar type meant to represent the same errors, but in a portable way. In this way, library calls to the system may produce error_code values (which preserve system-specific values), and programs can compare them against error_condition objects (which are portable between systems).

error_category objects identify different sets of error codes and also determine the correspondences between error codes and error conditions.

This header defines two categories: generic_category and a system_category. Other libraries may define additional error categories (such as the standard iostream_category, defined in <ios>).

The class system_error is a standard exception type that carries an error_code object.


Trait classes:

Enum classes:



Constructor helpers:

내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/system_error/


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