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*[header][Input/Output] ios


Input-Output base classes
Header providing base classes and types for the IOStream hierarchy of classes:

click on an element for detailed information


Class templates


Other types

Format flag manipulators (functions)

Independent flags (switch on):
Independent flags (switch off):
Numerical base format flags ("basefield" flags):
Floating-point format flags ("floatfield" flags):
Adustment format flags ("adjustfield" flags):

Other functions

Notice that not all standard manipulators are defined in this header. Input streams also support ws, and output streams endlends and flush. Streams also support an additional set of manipulators, which are parametric and defined apart in header <iomanip>. These are: setiosflagsresetiosflagssetbasesetfillsetprecisionsetw

내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/ios/


'Programming > C++' 카테고리의 다른 글

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