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  1. 2017.11.08 [header][other] tuple (C++11)

    *[header][other] tuple (C++11) Tuple libraryTuples are objects that pack elements of -possibly- different types together in a single object, just like pair objects do for pairs of elements, but generalized for any number of elements. Conceptually, they are similar to plain old data structures (C-like structs) but instead of having named data members, its elements are accessed by their order in t..

  2. 2017.11.08 [header][other] system_error (C++11)

    *[header][other] system_error (C++11) System errorsThis header defines a series of standardized elements to report error conditions originating from the operating system or other low-level operations. Most such errors are identified by a single integer value, which is sometimes system-specific. The class error_codeencapsulates and preserves these system-generated values associating them with an ..

  3. 2017.11.08 [header][other] string

    *[header][other] string StringsThis header introduces string types, character traits and a set of converting functions: Class templatesbasic_stringGeneric string class (class template )char_traitsCharacter traits (class template ) Class instantiationsstringString class (class )u16string String of 16-bit characters (class )u32string String of 32-bit characters (class )wstringWide string (class ) ..

  4. 2017.11.08 [header][other] stdexcept

    *[header][other] stdexcept Exception classesThis header defines a set of standard exceptions that both the library and programs can use to report common errors. They are divided in two sets: ClassesLogic errorslogic_errorLogic error exception (class )domain_errorDomain error exception (class )invalid_argumentInvalid argument exception (class )length_errorLength error exception (class )out_of_ran..

  5. 2017.11.08 [header][other] regex (C++11)

    *[header][other] regex (C++11) Regular ExpressionsRegular expressions are a standardized way to express patterns to be matched against sequences of characters. The standard C++ library provides support for regular expressions in the header through a series of operations. All these operations make use of some typical regex parameters: Target sequence (subject): The sequence of characters searched..

  6. 2017.11.08 [header][other] ratio (C++11)

    *[header][other] ratio (C++11) Ratio headerThis header declares the ratio class template and several auxiliary types to operate with them. A ratio expresses a proportion (such as 1:3, or 1000:1) as a set of two compile-time constants (its numerator and its denominator). The type itself is used to express the ratio (objects of these types hold no value). Within the standard library, ratio types a..

  7. 2017.11.08 [header][other] random (C++11)

    *[header][other] random (C++11) RandomThis header introduces random number generation facilities. This library allows to produce random numbers using combinations of generators and distributions: Generators: Objects that generate uniformly distributed numbers.Distributions: Objects that transform sequences of numbers generated by a generator into sequences of numbers that follow a specific rando..

  8. 2017.11.08 [header][other] numeric

    *[header][other] numeric Generalized numeric operationsThis header describes a set of algorithms to perform certain operations on sequences of numeric values. Due to their flexibility, they can also be adapted for other kinds of sequences. FunctionsaccumulateAccumulate values in range (function template )adjacent_differenceCompute adjacent difference of range (function template )inner_productCom..

  9. 2017.11.08 [header][other] new

    *[header][other] new Dynamic memoryThis header describes functions used to manage dynamic storage in C++. Exceptionally within the standard library, this header declares several functions in the global namespace instead of within the std namespace: These are the operator overloads for operator new and operator delete, which handle dynamic storage requests. Some of these functions have also the s..

  10. 2017.11.08 [header][other] memory

    *[header][other] memory Memory elementsThis header defines general utilities to manage dynamic memory: AllocatorsallocatorDefault allocator (class template )allocator_arg Allocator arg (object )allocator_arg_t Allocator arg type (class )allocator_traits Allocator traits (class template ) Managed pointersauto_ptrAutomatic Pointer [deprecated] (class template )auto_ptr_refReference to automatic po..

  11. 2017.11.08 [header][other] locale

    *[header][other] locale Localization libraryA locale is a set of features that are culture-specific, which can be used by programs to be more portable internationally. In C++, locales are represented by an object of the locale class. Each of these locale objects contains all the information needed to use a set of culture-dependent features. But locale objects do not contain the features directly..

  12. 2017.11.08 [header][other] limits

    *[header][other] limits Numeric limitsThis header defines elements with the characteristics of arithmetic types. More specifically, it defines a numeric_limitsclass template and a specialization of it for each of the fundamental types: Classesnumeric_limitsNumeric limits type (class template ) Enum typesfloat_round_styleEnum type for float rounding style (type )float_denorm_styleEnum type for fl..

  13. 2017.11.08 [header][other] iterator

    *[header][other] iterator Iterator definitionsAn iterator is any object that, pointing to some element in a range of elements (such as an array or a container), has the ability to iterate through the elements of that range using a set of operators (with at least the increment (++) and dereference (*) operators). The most obvious form of iterator is a pointer: A pointer can point to elements in a..

  14. 2017.11.08 [header][other] initializer_list (C++11)

    *[header][other] initializer_list (C++11) Initializer listHeader that defines the initializer_list class template. Class templatesinitializer_listInitializer list (class template ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/initializer_list/

  15. 2017.11.08 [header][other] functional

    *[header][other] functional Function objectsFunction objects are objects specifically designed to be used with a syntax similar to that of functions. In C++, this is achieved by defining member function operator() in their class, like for example: 1 2 3 4 struct myclass { int operator()(int a) {return a;} } myobject; int x = myobject (0); // function-like syntax with object myobject They are typ..

  16. 2017.11.08 [header][other] exception

    *[header][other] exception Standard exceptionsThis header defines the base class for all exceptions thrown by the elements of the standard library: exception, along with several types and utilities to assist handling exceptions: Types:exceptionStandard exception class (class )bad_exceptionException thrown by unexpected handler (class )nested_exception Nested exception class (class )exception_ptr..

  17. 2017.11.08 [header][other] complex

    *[header][other] complex Complex numbers libraryThe complex library implements the complex class to contain complex numbers in cartesian form and several functions and overloads to operate with them: ClassescomplexComplex number class (class template ) FunctionsComplex values: realReal part of complex (function template )imagImaginary part of complex (function template )absAbsolute value of comp..

  18. 2017.11.08 [header][other] codecvt (C++11)

    *[header][other] codecvt (C++11) Unicode conversion facetsStandard facets to convert between UTF character encodings. Notice that the codecvt facet is not declared in this header, but in . Enumcodecvt_modeCodecvt mode (enum ) Classescodecvt_utf8Convert UTF-8 (class template )codecvt_utf16Convert UTF-16 (class template )codecvt_utf8_utf16Convert between UTF-8 and UTF-16 (class template ) 내용 출처 : ..

  19. 2017.11.08 [header][other] chrono (C++11)

    *[header][other] chrono (C++11) Time librarychrono is the name of a header, but also of a sub-namespace: All the elements in this header (except for the common_type specializations) are not defined directly under the std namespace (like most of the standard library) but under the std::chrono namespace. The elements in this header deal with time. This is done mainly by means of three concepts: Du..

  20. 2017.11.08 [header][other] bitset

    *[header][other] bitset Bitset headerHeader that defines the bitset class: ClassesbitsetBitset (class template ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/bitset/

  21. 2017.11.08 [header][other] algorithm

    *[header][other] algorithm Standard Template Library: AlgorithmsThe header defines a collection of functions especially designed to be used on ranges of elements. A range is any sequence of objects that can be accessed through iterators or pointers, such as an array or an instance of some of the STL containers. Notice though, that algorithms operate through iterators directly on the values, not ..

  22. 2017.11.08 [header][container] unordered_set (C++11)

    *[header][container] unordered_set (C++11) Unordered set headerHeader that defines the unordered_set and unordered_multiset container classes: Classesunordered_setUnordered Set (class template )unordered_multisetUnordered Multiset (class template ) FunctionsbeginIterator to beginning (function template )endIterator to end (function template ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/unordered_..

  23. 2017.11.08 [header][container] unordered_map (C++11)

    *[header][container] unordered_map (C++11) Unordered map headerHeader that defines the unordered_map and unordered_multimap container classes: Classesunordered_mapUnordered Map (class template )unordered_multimapUnordered Multimap (class template ) FunctionsbeginIterator to beginning (function template )endIterator to end (function template ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/unordered_..

  24. 2017.11.08 [header][container] forward_list (C++11)

    *[header][container] forward_list (C++11) Forward listHeader that defines the forward_list container class: Classesforward_listForward list (class template ) FunctionsbeginIterator to beginning (function template )endIterator to end (function template ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/forward_list/

  25. 2017.11.08 [header][container] list

    *[header][container] list List headerHeader that defines the list container class: ClasseslistList (class template ) FunctionsbeginIterator to beginning (function template )endIterator to end (function template ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/list/

  26. 2017.11.08 [header][container] deque

    *[header][container] deque Deque headerHeader that defines the deque container class: ClassesdequeDouble ended queue (class template ) FunctionsbeginIterator to beginning (function template )endIterator to end (function template ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/deque/

  27. 2017.11.08 [header][container] stack

    *[header][container] stack Stack headerHeader that defines the stack container class: ClassesstackLIFO stack (class template ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/stack/

  28. 2017.11.08 [header][container] set

    *[header][container] set Set headerHeader that defines the set and multiset container classes: ClassessetSet (class template )multisetMultiple-key set (class template ) FunctionsbeginIterator to beginning (function template )endIterator to end (function template ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/set/

  29. 2017.11.08 [header][container] queue

    *[header][container] queue Queue headerHeader that defines the queue and priority_queue container adaptor classes: ClassesqueueFIFO queue (class template )priority_queuePriority queue (class template ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/queue/

  30. 2017.11.08 [header][container] map

    *[header][container] map Map headerHeader that defines the map and multimap container classes: ClassesmapMap (class template )multimapMultiple-key map (class template ) FunctionsbeginIterator to beginning (function template )endIterator to end (function template ) 내용 출처 : http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/map/


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