MathJax TeX 문법 정리
$\rm\TeX $ Commands available in MathJaxMathJax homepageJump to the alphabetical list of commands THIS IS A BIG PAGE. It may take a while to process. You can watch the progress in the lower left corner—it loads most reliably if you resist the temptation to click on something before it's done. I think it's worth the wait (but of course I'm biased). You can read about why it's so big below. This document was created in Spring of 2011. As of May 2017, it is being processed using MathJax 2.7.1 (loaded from my own server). A print version of this page is available here (88 pages). It is self-published, using Amazon KDP. If you have Amazon Prime, then you get quick, free delivery. It's amazing to me that this can be printed and delivered to your door for \$5.67 (of which I receive \$1.25). Be aware that the font size is small, because I want it to match this page exactly—check the ‘Look inside’ feature at Amazon to make sure it will work for you, before purchasing. |
![]() get a print version of this resource (88 pages) |
I (Dr. Carol JVF Burns) prepared this page to thoroughly familiarize myself with the $\rm\TeX $ commands that are available in MathJax,
and to provide a resource that may be useful to other MathJax users.
Davide Cervone, the lead developer of MathJax, has most generously provided extensive edits,
and this page is greatly improved due to his efforts; I owe him countless thanks.
All mistakes on this page are my own (and I welcome suggestions and corrections).
Please contact me via the contact form on my homepage.
MathJax allows a syntax modeled on both $\rm\TeX $ and $\rm\LaTeX $.
Therefore, web authors can use familiar and concise commands when creating mathematics with MathJax.
Alphabetical List of $\rm\TeX$ Commands available in MathJax
symbols | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
A | | | B | | | C | | | D | | | E | | | F | | | G | | | H | | | I | | | J | | | K | | | L | | | M | | | N | | | O | | | P | | | Q | | | R | | | S | | | T | | | U | | | V | | | W | | | X | | | Y | | | Z | ||
environments |
Know the shape of a character that you want, but not its name? Draw it here!
# | indicates numbered arguments in definitions Example:
% | used for a single-line comment; shows only in the source code; does not show in the rendered expression Example (showing the math block delimiters):
& | used as separators in alignment environments; used in HTML entity references within math mode; for a literal ampersand, use \& Examples:
^ | used to indicate exponents; used to indicate superscripts; used for limits on large operators and in some ‘vertical’ constructions (see examples) <optional #1> ^ #2
argument #1 is optional;use braces, as needed, to clarify what is the exponent Examples:
_ | used to indicate subscripts; used for limits on large operators and in some ‘vertical’ constructions (see examples) <optional #1> _ #2
argument #1 is optional;use braces, as needed, to clarify what is the subscript Examples:
{ } | braces, used for grouping; for literal braces, use \{ and \} There are two basic grouping constructs that use braces; I will refer to them as ‘arguments’ versus ‘braced groups’. If you're not aware which construct is in force, then you can get unexpected results. The examples below should clarify. ARGUMENTS: In this documentation, arguments are indicated by #1, #2, etc. An argument is either a single ‘token’ (like ‘a’ or ‘\alpha’), or is a group enclosed in braces. For example, the \boldsymbol command takes an argument, notated by:
\boldsymbol #1
BRACED GROUPS: A ‘braced group’ is a group, enclosed by braces, inside which some behavior is in force. The \bf (boldface) command operates inside a braced group, notated by:
{\bf ... }
Here, \bf is a switch, which ‘turns on’ boldface inside the braced group;boldface ends when the braced group ends. Sometimes, you may not see the opening ‘{’ that signals the start of a braced group. In this situation, when does a command (like \bf ) end?It ends at whichever occurs first:
Make sure you see the difference in the behaviors below:
\! | negative thin space; i.e., it ‘back ups’ a thin space amount Examples:
see also: \thinspace |
\ (backslash space) |
~ (tilde character) see also: \text |
~ (tilde character) |
Click here to see examples of what happens with very long math in MathJax. Examples:
\ (backslash space) |
\# | $\#$ |
\\$ | $\$ $ |
\% | $\%$ |
\& | $\&$ |
see also: \And |
\\ | line separator in alignment modes and environments Example:
in MathJax, these are essentially the same: \cr, \newline |
\_ | $\_$ |
\{ \} | $\{\ \}$ |
| | $|$ |
see also: \lvert, \rvert, \vert |
\| | $\|$ |
( ) | $(\ )$ |
. | $.$ |
In some math environments (but not all):
/ | $/$ |
+ | $+$ |
- | $-$ |
[ ] | $[\ ]$ |
see also: \brack, \lbrack, \rbrack |
= | $=$ |
see also: \ne, \neq |
' | $'$ |
\above | general command for making fractions; gives control over thickness of horizontal fraction bar { <subformula1> \above <
Creates a fraction:dimen > <subformula2> }numerator: subformula1 denominator: subformula2 fraction bar has thickness: dimen There are separate local groups for subformula1 and subformula2 ; if these local groups are not explicit, then unexpected results may occur, as illustrated in the choose discussion.Examples:
\cfrac, \dfrac, \frac, \genfrac, \over, \overwithdelims |
\abovewithdelims | general command for making fractions; gives control over thickness of horizontal fraction bar; specifies left and right enclosing delimiters { <subformula1> \abovewithdelims <delim1> <delim2> <
Creates a fraction:dimen > <subformula2> }numerator: subformula1 denominator: subformula2 fraction bar has thickness:
delim1 is put before the fractiondelim2 is put after the fractionFor an empty delimiter, use ‘.’ in place of the delimiter. There are separate local groups for subformula1 and subformula2 ; if these local groups are not explicit, then unexpected results may occur, as illustrated in the choose discussion.Examples:
\cfrac, \dfrac, \frac, \genfrac, \over, \overwithdelims |
\acute | $\acute{}$ | ˊ acute accent \acute #1
Usually, #1 is a single letter; otherwise, accent is centered over argument.Examples:
\aleph | $\aleph$ |
\alpha | $\alpha$ |
\amalg | $\amalg$ |
\And | $\And$ |
see also: \& |
\angle | $\angle$ |
\approx | $\approx$ |
$\approxeq$ |
\arccos | $\arccos$ |
\arcsin | $\arcsin$ |
\arctan | $\arctan$ |
\arg | $\arg$ |
\array | a synonym for \matrix \array{ <math> & <math> ... \cr <repeat as needed> }
alignment occurs at the ampersands;a double-backslash can be used in place of the \cr ;the final \\ or \cr is optionalExample:
see also: \matrix |
\arrowvert | $\arrowvert$ |
see also: |, \vert, \lvert, \rvert, |
\Arrowvert | $\Arrowvert$ |
see also: \|, \Vert, \lVert, \rVert |
\ast | $\ast$ |
\asymp | $\asymp$ |
\atop | general command for making a fraction-like structure, but without the horizontal fraction bar
{ <subformula1> \atop <subformula2> }
Creates a fraction-like structure:‘numerator’ subformula1 ’denominator’ subformula2 There are separate local groups for subformula1 and subformula2 ; if these local groups are not explicit, then unexpected results may occur, as illustrated in the choose discussion.Examples:
\cfrac, \dfrac, \frac, \genfrac, \over, \overwithdelims |
\atopwithdelims | general command for making a fraction-like structure, but without the horizontal fraction bar; specifies left and right enclosing delimiters { <subformula1> \atopwithdelims <delim1> <delim2> <subformula2> }
Creates a fraction-like structure:‘numerator’ subformula1 ‘denominator’ subformula2 delim1 is put before the structuredelim2 is put after the structureFor an empty delimiter, use ‘.’ in place of the delimiter. There are separate local groups for subformula1 and subformula2 ; if these local groups are not explicit, then unexpected results may occur, as illustrated in the choose discussion.Examples:
\cfrac, \dfrac, \frac, \genfrac, \over, \overwithdelims |
$\backepsilon$ |
$\backprime$ |
$\backsim$ |
$\backsimeq$ |
\backslash | $\backslash$ |
\bar | $\bar{}$ |
\bar #1
Usually, #1 is a single letter; otherwise, bar is centered over argument.Examples:
If you want to use a huge interval bar, use \overline{x}. \overline{x} yields $\overline{x}$ |
$\barwedge$ |
\Bbb |
\Bbb #1
Whether lower-case letters are displayed in blackboard-bold, or not, depends on the fonts being used.The MathJax web-based fonts don't have lowercase blackboard-bold, but the STIX fonts do; so users with the STIX fonts installed will be able to display lowercase blackboard-bold letters. Examples:
see also: \mathbb |
$\Bbbk$ |
$\because$ |
\begin | used in \begin{xxx} ... \end{xxx} environments |
\beta | $\beta$ |
$\beth$ |
$\between$ |
\bf |
{\bf ... }
see also: \mathbf, \boldsymbol |
\Bigg \bigg \Big \big |
used to obtain various-sized delimiters; may be followed by any of these Variable-Sized Delimiters Examples:
\Biggl \Biggm \Biggr \biggl \biggm \biggr \Bigl \Bigm \Bigl \bigl \bigm \bigr |
Used to obtain various-sized delimiters, with a left/right/middle context; may be followed by any of these Variable-Sized Delimiters. The ‘l’ (left), ’m’ (middle), and ‘r’ (right) specifications may make reading the source code more meaningful, especially when there are delimiters inside delimiters. Whereas (say) \Bigg produces results of class ORD , we have:
For example, $x\big| y$ ($\,x\big| y\,$) has less space than $x\bigm| y$ ($\,x\bigm| y\,$).Therefore, these commands affect typeset results in a fundamental way; it is best to use the form appropriate for the position of the desired delimiter. |
\bigcap | $\bigcap$ |
\bigcirc | $\bigcirc$ |
\bigcup | $\bigcup$ |
\bigsqcup | $\bigsqcup$ |
$\bigstar$ |
\bigtriangledown | $\bigtriangledown$ |
\bigtriangleup | $\bigtriangleup$ |
\biguplus | $\biguplus$ |
\bigvee | $\bigvee$ |
\bigwedge | $\bigwedge$ |
notation commonly used for binomial coefficients
\binom #1 #2
$\blacklozenge$ |
$\blacksquare$ |
\bmod | $\bmod$ |
\boldsymbol |
\boldsymbol #1
\bot | $\bot$ |
\bowtie | $\bowtie$ |
$\Box$ |
$\boxdot$ |
puts a box around argument; argument is in math mode \boxed #1
\brace | creates a braced structure
{ <subformula1> \brace <subformula2> }
\bracevert |
\brack | creates a bracketed structure
{ <subformula1> \brack <subformula2> }
\breve | $\breve{}$ |
\breve #1
Usually, #1 is a single letter; otherwise, accent is centered over argument.Examples:
\buildrel ... \over ... |
\buildrel <subformula1> \over #1
The result is of class REL (binary relation), so it has the spacing of a relation.Examples:
\bullet | $\bullet$ |
\cal | class ORD turns on calligraphic mode; only affects uppercase letters and digits {\cal ... }
see also: \oldstyle, \mathcal |
\cancel | Used to ‘cancel’ (strikeout).
\cancel #1
\bcancel #1
for example, \require{cancel}\cancel{x+1} produces a canceled $\,x+1\,$, rendered as $\require{cancel}\cancel{x+1}$. |
$\Cap$ | ⋒ class BINsee also: \bigcap, \cap, \Cup, \cup, \doublecap, \doublecup |
\cap | $\cap$ | ∩ class BINsee also: \bigcap, \Cap, \Cup, \cup, \doublecap, \doublecup |
\cases | class OPEN for piecewise-defined functions \cases{ <math> & <math> \cr <repeat as needed> }
a double-backslash can be used in place of \cr ;the final \\ or \cr is optionalIn $\,\rm\TeX\,$, the second column is automatically in text-mode, while in MathJax it is in math-mode. This behavior will be changed to be consistent with $\,\rm\TeX\,$ in a future release of MathJax. Example:
\cdot | $\cdot$ | ⋅ class BINcentered dot Examples:
\cdotp | $\cdotp$ | ⋅ class PUNCTcentered dot, punctuation symbol Examples:
\cdots | $\cdots$ | ⋯ class INNERcentered dots; dot dot dot Example: x_1 + \cdots + x_n yields $x_1 + \cdots + x_n$see also: \dots, \ldots |
$\centerdot$ | ⋅ class BINcentered dot Examples:
use for continued fractions
\cfrac #1 #2
\dfrac, \frac, \genfrac, \over, \overwithdelims |
\check | $\check{}$ | ˇ check accent \check #1
Usually, #1 is a single letter; otherwise, accent is centered over argument.Examples:
$\checkmark$ | #x2713; class ORD |
\chi | $\chi$ | χ class ORDlowercase Greek letter chi |
\choose | notation commonly used for binomial coefficients; different versions for inline and display modes { <subformula1> \choose <subformula2> }
There are separate local groups for subformula1 and subformula2 ;if these local groups are not explicit, then unexpected results may occur, as illustrated next. Examples (showing the math delimiters):
\circ | $\circ$ | ∘ class BINExamples:
$\circeq$ | ≗ class REL |
non-standard; extension is loaded automatically when used; used to specify a CSS class for styling mathematics \class #1 #2
Suppose this CSS style information is provided outside of math mode: <style type="text/css"> .smHighlightRed { font-size:small; background-color:yellow; color:red; } </style> Then,
\clubsuit | $\clubsuit$ | ♣ class ORD see also: \diamondsuit, \heartsuit, \spadesuit |
\colon | $\colon$ | : class PUNCT a colon, treated as a punctuation mark (instead of a relation) Examples:
\color | used to specify a color in mathematics
\color #1 #2
where:#1 is the desired color#2 is the mathematics to be coloredThis works differently from standard $\,\rm\LaTeX\,$ (where \color is a switch).In a future version of MathJax, it will be possible to load an extension to make the command behave like the $\,\rm\LaTeX\,$ version. Examples:
$\complement$ | ∁ class ORD |
\cong | $\cong$ | ≅ class REL congruent see also: \ncong |
\coprod | $\coprod$ | ∐ class OP coproduct |
\cos | $\cos$ | class OP cosine; does not change size; default limit placement is the same in both inline and display modes; can change limit placement using \limits; see the Big Operators Table for more examples Examples:
see also: \sin |
\cosh | $\cosh$ | class OP hyperbolic cosine; does not change size; default limit placement is the same in both inline and display modes; can change limit placement using \limits; see the Big Operators Table for more examples hyperbolic cosine Examples:
see also: \sinh |
\cot | $\cot$ | class OP cotangent; does not change size; default limit placement is the same in both inline and display modes; can change limit placement using \limits; see the Big Operators Table for more examples Examples:
\coth | $\coth$ | class OP hyperbolic cotangent; does not change size; default limit placement is the same in both inline and display modes; can change limit placement using \limits; see the Big Operators Table for more examples Examples:
\cr | carriage return; line separator in alignment modes and environments in MathJax, these are essentially the same: \\, \newline |
\csc | $\csc$ | class OP cosecant does not change size; default limit placement is the same in both inline and display modes; can change limit placement using \limits; see the Big Operators Table for more examples Examples:
non-standard; class ORD; extension is loaded automatically when used; used to set a MathML element's ID attribute, so it can be accessed dynamically (e.g., to add an event handler, add CSS styling, or set display status) \cssId #1 #2
Suppose this HTML and Javascript is provided outside of math mode:<button type="button" onclick="turnRed();"> Click button to turn something red </button> <script type="text/javascript"> function turnRed() { document.getElementById('testID').style.color = "red"; } </script> Suppose further that the following MathJax code is provided:$$ abc \cssId{testID}{def\text{ Something will turn red! }ghi} jkl $$ Then, this HTML/Javascript/MathJax produces: $$abc\cssId{testID}{def\text{ Something will turn red! }ghi}jkl$$ A more meaningful example (with well-commented source code) is provided by Design Science, Inc., and shows how you can display the steps in a proof one line at a time . |
$\Cup$ | ⋓ class BIN see also: \bigcup, \Cap, \cap, \cup, \doublecap, \doublecup |
\cup | $\cup$ | ∪ class BIN see also: \bigcup, \Cap, \cap, \Cup, \doublecap, \doublecup |
$\daleth$ | ℸ class ORD Hebrew letter daleth |
\dashv | $\dashv$ | ⊣ class REL |
notation commonly used for binomial coefficients; display version (in both inline and display modes) \dbinom #1 #2
\dot #1
\ddot #1
\dddot #1
\ddddot #1
Usually, #1 is a single letter; otherwise, accent is centered over argument.Examples:
\ddots | $\ddots$ | ⋱ class INNERthree diagonal dots |
Multi-letter operator names (like $\,\log\,$, $\,\sin\,$, and $\,\lim\,$) are traditionally typeset in a roman font.\DeclareMathOperator allows you to define your own operator names;they are subsequently typeset using the proper font and spacing; you can control the way that limits appear (see examples below) \DeclareMathOperator #1 #2
\def | for defining your own commands (control sequences, macros, definitions); must appear (within math delimiters) before it is used; alternatively, you can define macros using the MathJax configuration options in the <head>
\def\myCommandName{ <replacement text> }
Example:\def\myHearts{\color{purple}{\heartsuit}\kern-2.5pt\color{green}{\heartsuit}} \myHearts\myHearts yields: $ \def\myHearts{\color{purple}{\heartsuit}\kern-2.5pt\color{green}{\heartsuit}} \myHearts\myHearts $ A definition may take one or more arguments: Example:\def\myHearts#1#2{\color{#1}{\heartsuit}\kern-2.5pt\color{#2}{\heartsuit}} \myHearts{red}{blue} yields: $ \def\myHearts#1#2{\color{#1}{\heartsuit}\kern-2.5pt\color{#2}{\heartsuit}} \myHearts{red}{blue} $ see also: \newcommand |
\deg | $\deg$ | class OP degree; does not change size; default limit placement is the same in both inline and display modes; can change limit placement using \limits; see the Big Operators Table for examples |
\det | $\det$ | class OP determinant; does not change size; default limit placement can be changed using \limits and \nolimits ;does not change size; see the Big Operators Table for more examples Examples:
fractions; display version (in both inline and display modes) \dfrac #1 #2
\cfrac, \frac, \genfrac, \over, \overwithdelims |
\diamondsuit | $\diamondsuit$ | ♢ class ORDsee also: \clubsuit, \heartsuit, \spadesuit |
$\digamma$ | ϝ class ORD |
\dim | $\dim$ | class OP dimension; does not change size; default limit placement is the same in both inline and display modes; can change limit placement using \limits; see the Big Operators Table for examples |
\displaylines | to display any number of centered formulas (without any alignment) \displaylines{ <math> \cr <repeat as needed> }
a double-backslash can be used in place of the \cr ;the final \\ or \cr is optionalExample:
\displaystyle | class ORD used to over-ride automatic style rules and force display style; stays in force until the end of math mode or the braced group, or until another style is selected { \displaystyle ... }
Example:In inline mode:
\frac ab+\displaystyle\frac ab+\textstyle\frac ab yields: $\frac ab + \displaystyle\frac ab+\textstyle\frac ab+\scriptstyle\frac ab+\scriptscriptstyle\frac ab$ Example: In inline mode: \frac ab + {\displaystyle \frac cd + \frac ef} + \frac gh yields $\frac ab + {\displaystyle \frac cd + \frac ef} + \frac gh$ Example: In inline mode: \frac ab + \displaystyle{\frac cd + \frac ef} + \frac gh yields $\frac ab + \displaystyle{\frac cd + \frac ef} + \frac gh$ see also: \textstyle, \scriptstyle, \scriptscriptstyle |
\div | $\div$ | ÷ class BINdivision symbol |
$\divideontimes$ | ⋇ class BIN |
$\dotplus$ | ∔ class BIN |
\dots | $\dots$ | … class INNERlower dots; ellipsis; ellipses; dot dot dot In $\,\rm\LaTeX\,$, \dots chooses either \cdots or \ldots depending on the context;MathJax, however, always gives lower dots. Examples:
see also: \cdots, \ldots, \dotsb, \dotsc, \dotsi, \dotsm, \dotso |
see also: \cdots, \dots, \ldots |
$\doublebarwedge$ | ⩞ BIN |
see also: \Cap, \Cup, \cap, \cup |
$\downdownarrows$ | ⇊ class RELdown down arrows; non-stretchy |
\ell | $\ell$ | ℓ class ORD |
\emptyset | $\emptyset$ | ∅ class ORDempty set see also: \varnothing |
\end | used in \begin{xxx} ... \end{xxx} environments |
\enspace | \enspace is a 0.5em spaceExample:
\epsilon | $\epsilon$ | ϵ class ORDlowercase Greek letter epsilon see also: \varepsilon |
\eqalign | equation alignment; for aligning multi-line displays at a single place \eqalign{ <math> & <math> \cr <repeat as needed> }
the ampersand is placed where alignment is desired;a double-backslash can be used in place of the \cr ;the final \\ or \cr is optional;supports only a single \tag , which is vertically centeredExample: \eqalign{ 3x - 4y &= 5\cr x + 7 &= -2y } yields: $$ \eqalign{ 3x - 4y &= 5\cr x + 7 &= -2y } $$ Example: A <math> component may be empty:\eqalign{ (a+b)^2 &= (a+b)(a+b) \\ &= a^2 + ab + ba + b^2 \\ &= a^2 + 2ab + b^2 } yields: $$ \eqalign{ (a+b)^2 &= (a+b)(a+b) \\ &= a^2 + ab + ba + b^2 \\ &= a^2 + 2ab + b^2 } $$ Example: The result of \eqalign is a vertically-centered block;you can use more than one in the same display:\left\{ \eqalign{ a &= 1\\ b &= 2\\ c &= 3 }\right\} \qquad \eqalign{ ax + by &= c \\ x + 2y &= 3 } yields: $$ \left\{ \eqalign{ a &= 1\\ b &= 2\\ c &= 3 }\right\} \qquad \eqalign{ ax + by &= c \\ x + 2y &= 3 } $$ see also: \eqalignno, the align environment, \tag |
\eqalignno | equation alignment with optionally numbered (tagged) lines \eqalignno{ <math> & <math> & <equation tag> \cr <repeat as needed> }
the first ampersand is placed where alignment is desired;the second ampersand is used just before a tag; if there is no tag, then the final & <equation tag> is omitted;a double-backslash can be used in place of the \cr ;the final \\ or \cr is optionalExample: \eqalignno{ 3x - 4y &= 5 &(\dagger) \cr x + 7 &= -2y &(\ddagger)\cr z &= 2 } yields: $$ \eqalignno{ 3x - 4y &= 5 &(\dagger)\cr x + 7 &= -2y &(\ddagger)\cr z &= 2 } $$ see also: \eqalign, \leqalignno, the align environment |
$\eqcirc$ | ≖ class REL |
$\eqsim$ | ≂ class REL |
\equiv | $\equiv$ | ≡ class REL |
Error Messages; page processing log |
When you're working with a MathJax page, you may want to see the log of messages generated during page processing (particularly if something has gone wrong). To do this, typejavascript:alert(MathJax.Message.Log()) in the browser's location URL box, and then refresh the page. If the alert box is too big to see the close button, just press ‘enter’ to close the alert box. |
\eta | $\eta$ | η class ORDlowercase Greek letter eta |
$\eth$ | ð class ORD |
\exists | $\exists$ | ∃ class ORDthere exists see also: \nexists |
\exp | $\exp$ | class OP exponential function; does not change size; default limit placement is the same in both inline and display modes; can change limit placement using \limits; see the Big Operators Table for examples |
$\fallingdotseq$ | ≒ class RELfalling dot sequence; see also: \risingdotseq |
\fbox | puts a box around argument; argument is in text mode equivalent to: \boxed{\text{#1}}
\fbox #1
where #1 is rendered as textExamples:
$\Finv$ | Ⅎ class ORD |
\flat | $\flat$ | ♭ class ORDmusical flat symbol see also: \natural, \sharp |
\forall | $\forall$ | ∀ class ORDuniversal quantifier; for all; for every; for each |
fractions; displays differently in inline and display modes \frac #1 #2
\cfrac, \dfrac, \genfrac, \over, \overwithdelims |
\frak | class ORD turns on fraktur; affects uppercase and lowercase letters, and digits {\frak ... }
see also: \mathfrak |
\frown | $\frown$ | ⌢ class RELsee also: \smallfrown, \smallsmile, \smile |
$\Game$ | ⅁ class ORD |
\Gamma | $\Gamma$ | Γ class ORDuppercase Greek letter gamma see also: \varGamma |
\gamma | $\gamma$ | γ class ORDlowercase Greek letter gamma |
\gcd | $\gcd$ | class OP greatest common divisor; does not change size; can change limit placement using \limits and \nolimits; see the Big Operators Table for examples Examples:
greater than or equal to see also: \ngeq, \ngeqq, \ngeqslant |
the most general command for defining fractions with optional delimiters, line thickness, and specified style
\genfrac #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6
see also: \above, \abovewithdelims, \atop, \atopwithdelims, \cfrac, \dfrac, \frac, \over, \overwithdelims |
\gets | $\gets$ | ← class RELleft arrow; non-stretchy |
\gg | $\gg$ | ≫ class REL |
$\gimel$ | ℷ class ORDHebrew letter gimel |
\grave | $\grave{}$ | ˋ grave accent \grave #1
Usually, #1 is a single letter; otherwise, accent is centered over argument.Examples:
\gt | $\gt$ | > class RELgreater than see also: \ngtr |
$\gtrdot$ | ⋗ class REL |
$\gtrless$ | ≷ class REL |
\hat | $\hat{}$ | ˊ non-stretchy hat accent \hat #1
Usually, #1 is a single letter; otherwise, accent is centered over argument.Examples:
see also: \widehat |
\hbar | $\hbar$ | ℏ class ORDPlanck's constant |
\hbox | class ORD horizontal box; contents are treated as text, but you can switch to math mode inside; text appears in \rm
\hbox #1
in MathJax, these are essentially the same: \text, \mbox see also: \rm |
works in many of the environments to create a horizontal line (\hline ), or a horizontal dashed line (\hdashline )Putting \hdashline or \hline first or last encases the entire structure(which is different from standard $\,\rm\LaTeX\,$ behavior):
\hdashline or \hline at the beginning of any subsequent row puts a line over that row:
\heartsuit | $\heartsuit$ | ♡ class ORDsee also: \clubsuit, \diamondsuit, \spadesuit |
\hfil \hfill |
horizontal glue; horizontal fill (added in MathJax 2.5); can be used to set horizontal alignment in matrices and arrays (as in old-fashioned $\,\TeX\,$ layout); it ‘expands’ to fill available horizontal space, pushing contents on right or left to the boundary Example: \begin{matrix} xxxxxx & xxxxxx & xxxxxx \cr ab & \hfil ab & ab\hfil\cr \end{matrix} yields $ \begin{matrix} xxxxxx & xxxxxx & xxxxxx \cr ab & \hfil ab & ab\hfil \cr \end{matrix} $ see also: \hskip, \hspace, \kern, \mkern, \mskip, \mspace |
\hom | $\hom$ | class OP homomorphism; does not change size; default limit placement is the same in both inline and display modes; can change limit placement using \limits; see the Big Operators Table for examples |
\hphantom | class ORD horizontal phantom Sometimes you want to pretend that something is there, for spacing reasons, but you don't want it to appear—you want it to be invisible—you want it to be a phantom. The box created by \hphantom has the width of its argument,but its height and depth are zero (so it doesn't contribute to any vertical spacing issues). In other words, \hphantom creates horizontal space equal to that produced by its argument,but doesn't create any vertical space. \hphantom #1
Example:\begin{array}{l} \text{Side Angle Side}\\ \text{S}\hphantom{\text{ide }}\text{A}\hphantom{\text{ngle }}\text{S} \end{array} yields $ \begin{array}{l} \text{Side Angle Side}\\ \text{S}\hphantom{\text{ide }}\text{A}\hphantom{\text{ngle }}\text{S} \end{array} $ see also: \phantom, \vphantom |
\href | used to make a math object into a link
\href{ <url> } #1
where the argument (#1 ) is the clickable areaExample:
\hskip | horizontal glue; horizontal space; horizontal skipping; \hskip <
Example:dimen >w\hskip1em i\hskip2em d\hskip3em e\hskip4em r yields $ w\hskip1em i\hskip2em d\hskip3em e\hskip4em r $ in MathJax, these all behave the same: \hspace, \kern, \mkern, \mskip, \mspace |
$\hslash$ | ℏ class ORDperhaps an alternative form of Planck's constant |
\hspace | horizontal glue; horizontal space; horizontal skipping
\hspace <
Example:dimen >s\hspace7ex k\hspace6ex i\hspace5ex n\hspace4ex n\hspace3ex i\hspace2ex e\hspace1ex r yields $ s\hspace7ex k\hspace6ex i\hspace5ex n\hspace4ex n\hspace3ex i\hspace2ex e\hspace1ex r $ in MathJax, these all behave the same: \hskip, \kern, \mkern, \mskip, \mspace |
\Huge \huge |
both class ORD turns on huge mode and an even bigger Huge mode {\Huge ... }
{\huge ... }
\iddots | $\def\iddots{{ \kern3mu\raise1mu{.}\kern3mu\raise6mu{.}\kern3mu \raise12mu{.} }}\iddots$ Not in MathJax Library |
inner diagonal dots; This macro must be supplied by the user, if desired. Davide Cervone provided the code (given here) in the MathJax User Group. To use this macro, put the following definition in either inline or display mathematics:$ \def\iddots{ {\kern3mu\raise1mu \kern3mu\raise12mu Then, in any subsequent mathematics:
you can add the definition to your configuration using the Macros property of the TeX block:<script type="text/x-mathjax-config"> MathJax.Hub.Config({ TeX: { Macros: { iddots: "{\\kern3mu\\raise1mu{.}\\kern3mu\\raise6mu{.}\\kern3mu\\raise12mu{.}}" }}}); </script> |
$\idotsint$ | class OP changes size; can change limit placement using \limits; see the Big Operators Table for examples |
\iff | $\iff$ | ⟺ with a thick space on both sidesif and only if; is equivalent to; non-stretchy Example: A\iff B yields $A\iff B$ |
see the Big Operators Table for examples Compare the different limit placements (both in display mode):
∫ (with movable limits) class OPSee the Big Operators Table for examples. see also: \iiiint, \iiint, \iint, \int |
\Im | $\Im$ | ℑ class ORD |
\imath | $\imath$ | ı class ORDa dotless ‘i’; better to use when accented Examples:
see also: \jmath |
$\impliedby$ | ⟸ with a thick space on both sidesnon-stretchy Example: P\impliedby Q yields $P\impliedby Q$ |
$\implies$ | ⟹ with a thick space on both sidesnon-stretchy Example: P\implies Q yields $P\implies Q$ |
\in | $\in$ | ∈ class RELis in; is an element of; indicates membership in a set; see also: \ni, \notin, \owns |
\inf | $\inf$ | class OP infimum; greatest lower bound; does not change size; can change limit placement using \limits and \nolimits; see the Big Operators Table for examples Examples:
\infty | $\infty$ | ∞ class ORDinfinity |
$\injlim$ | class OP injective limit; does not change size; can change limit placement using \limits and \nolimits; see the Big Operators Table for examples see also: \varinjlim |
$\intercal$ | ⊺ class BIN |
\iota | $\iota$ | ι class ORDlowercase Greek letter iota |
\it | class ORD turns on math italic mode; to return to math italic mode if it had been turned off {\it ... }
see also: \mathit, \mit |
\jmath | $\jmath$ | ȷ class ORDa dotless ‘j’; better to use when accented Examples:
see also: \imath |
$\Join$ | ⋈ class REL |
\kappa | $\kappa$ | κ class ORD lowercase Greek letter kappa see also: \varkappa |
\ker | $\ker$ | class OP kernel; does not change size; default limit placement is the same in both inline and display modes; can change limit placement using \limits; see the Big Operators Table for examples |
\kern | to get a specified amount of horizontal space; a negative argument forces ‘backing up’, so items can overlap \kern <
dimen >
\land | $\land$ |
\langle | $\langle$ |
{\LARGE ... }
{\Large ... } {\large ... }
\LaTeX | $\LaTeX$ |
Example: \rm\LaTeX yields $\rm\LaTeX$see also: \TeX |
\lbrace | $\lbrace$ |
\lbrack | $\lbrack$ |
\lceil | $\lceil$ |
\ldotp | $\ldotp$ |
\ldots | $\ldots$ |
Example: x_1,\ldots,x_n yields $x_1,\ldots,x_n$see also: \cdots, \dots |
see also: \nleq, \nleqq, \nleqslant |
$\leadsto$ |
\left | used for stretchy delimiters; see the Variable-Sized Delimiters Table for details Examples:
see also: \right |
see also: \nleftarrow, \nLeftarrow |
$\leftarrowtail$ |
see also: \rightarrowtail |
$\leftleftarrows$ |
see also: \nleftrightarrow, \nLeftrightarrow |
$\leftrightarrows$ |
$\leftrightharpoons$ |
$\leftrightsquigarrow$ |
\leftroot | used to fine-tune the placement of the index inside \sqrt or \root (see examples)
\sqrt[... \leftroot #1 ...]{...}
where the argument is a small integer:\root ... \leftroot #1 ... \of {...} a positive integer moves the index to the left; a negative integer moves the index to the right Examples:
see also: \uproot, \root |
$\leftthreetimes$ |
\leqalignno | equation alignment with optionally numbered (tagged) lines; in $\rm\TeX$, \leqalignno puts the tags on the left, but MathJax doesn't implement this behavior;currently, tags appear in a column on the right separated from the equations by a fixed amount of space (so they don't work like tags in the AMS math environments); this may be fixed in a future version of MathJax \leqalignno{ <math> & <math> & <equation tag> \cr <repeat as needed> }
the first ampersand is placed where alignment is desired;the second ampersand is used just before a tag; if there is no tag, then the final & <equation tag> is omitted;a double-backslash can be used in place of the \cr ;the final \\ or \cr is optional;output is the same in both inline and display modes (except for the amount of vertical space before and after); Example: \leqalignno{ 3x - 4y &= 5 &(\dagger) \cr x + 7 &= -2y &(\ddagger)\cr z &= 2 } yields: $$ \leqalignno{ 3x - 4y &= 5 &(\dagger) \cr x + 7 &= -2y &(\ddagger)\cr z &= 2 } $$ see also: \eqalignno; the align environment |
$\lessapprox$ |
$\lessdot$ |
$\lessgtr$ |
$\lesssim$ |
\lfloor | $\lfloor$ |
see also: \rfloor, \lceil, \rceil |
\lg | $\lg$ |
\lgroup | $\lgroup$ |
$\lhd$ |
see also: \rhd |
\lim | $\lim$ |
\liminf | $\liminf$ |
\limits | used to set limits above/below any token of class OP ;see the Big Operators table for more information and examples Examples:
\limsup | $\limsup$ |
\ll | $\ll$ |
\llap |
\llap #1
creates a box of width zero;the argument is then placed just to the left of this zero-width box (and hence will overlap whatever lies to the left); proper use of \llap and \rlap in math expressions is somewhat delicateExamples:
see also: \ulcorner, \urcorner |
$\Lleftarrow$ |
\lmoustache | $\lmoustache$ |
\ln | $\ln$ |
$\lnapprox$ |
\lnot | $\lnot$ |
see also: \neg |
$\lnsim$ |
\log | $\log$ |
\longmapsto | $\longmapsto$ |
see also: \mapsto |
\lor | $\lor$ |
see also: \land, \vee |
\lower |
\lower <
lowers the argument by the amount specified in <dimen > #1dimen >;in actual $\rm\TeX$, the argument to \lower (and \raise ) must be an \hbox ,but in MathJax it can be any expression (using an \hbox is allowed, but not required)Example:
$\lozenge$ |
$\Lsh$ |
see also: \Rsh |
\lt | $\lt$ |
see also: \nless |
$\ltimes$ |
$\lvertneqq$ |
$\maltese$ |
\mapsto | $\mapsto$ |
see also: \longmapsto |
\mathbb |
\mathbb #1
Whether lower-case letters are displayed in blackboard-bold, or not, depends on the fonts being used.The MathJax web-based fonts don't have lowercase blackboard-bold, but the STIX fonts do; so users with the STIX fonts installed will be able to display lowercase blackboard-bold letters. Examples:
see also: \Bbb |
\mathbf |
\mathbf #1
see also: \bf, \boldsymbol |
\mathbin |
\mathbin #1
\mathcal |
\mathcal #1
see also: \cal, \oldstyle |
\mathchoice | provides content that is dependent on the current style (display, text, script, or scriptscript); can be used in defining a macro for general use \mathchoice #1 #2 #3 #4
Define:\def\puzzle{\mathchoice{D}{T}{S}{SS}} Then:
\mathclose |
\mathclose #1
see also: \mathopen |
\mathfrak |
\mathfrak #1
see also: \frak |
\mathinner |
\mathinner #1
\mathit |
\mathit #1
in MathJax, this is the same as: \mit and \it |
\mathop |
\mathop #1
\mathopen |
\mathopen #1
see also: \mathclose |
\mathord |
\mathord #1
\mathpunct |
\mathpunct #1
\mathrel |
\mathrel #1
$\mathring{}$ |
\mathring #1
\mathrm |
\mathrm #1
see also: \rm |
\mathscr |
\mathscr #1
Whether lower-case letters are displayed in script, or not, depends on the fonts being used.The MathJax web-based fonts don't have lowercase script, but the STIX fonts do; so users with the STIX fonts installed will be able to display lowercase script letters. Examples:
see also: \scr |
\mathsf |
\mathsf #1
see also: \sf |
\mathstrut |
\mathtt |
\mathtt #1
see also: \tt |
\matrix | matrix (without any delimiters) \matrix{ <math> & <math> ... \cr <repeat as needed> }
alignment occurs at the ampersands;a double-backslash can be used in place of the \cr ;the final \\ or \cr is optionalExample:
see also: \array |
\max | $\max$ |
\mbox |
\mbox <text argument>
see also: \rm |
$\measuredangle$ |
$\mho$ |
\mid | $\mid$ |
see also: \nmid, \shortmid, \nshortmid |
\min | $\min$ |
\mit |
\mit #1
in MathJax, this is the same as: \mathit and \it |
\mkern |
\mkern <
gives horizontal spacedimen >Examples:
\mod | $\mod{}$ | modulus operator; modulo; the leading space depends on the style: displaystyle has 18 mu, others 12 mu; 2 thinspaces of following space; for things like equations modulo a number \mod #1
\models | $\models$ |
shifts boxes to the left or right
In actual $\rm\TeX$, these require an \hbox (or some box) as an argument, and can only appear in vertical mode;MathJax is less picky: you don't need an actual box, and MathJax doesn't have a vertical mode; these are not really designed as user-level macros, but instead allow existing macros to work; the box takes up its original space (unlike something like \llap or \rlap ), but its contents are shifted (without affecting its bounding box)Examples:
\mp | $\mp$ |
see also: \pm |
\mskip |
\mskip <
gives horizontal spacedimen >Examples:
\mspace |
\mspace <
gives horizontal spacedimen >Examples:
\mu | $\mu$ |
$\multimap$ |
\nabla | $\nabla$ |
\natural | $\natural$ |
$\ncong$ |
\ne | $\ne$ |
\nearrow | $\nearrow$ |
\neg | $\neg$ |
\neq | $\neq$ |
\newcommand | for defining your own commands (control sequences, macros, definitions);\newcommand must appear (within math delimiters) before it is used;if desired, you can use the TeX.Macros property of the configuration to define macros in the head
\newcommand\myCommandName [ <optional # of arguments, from 1 to 9> ] { <replacement text> }
The bracketed # of arguments is omitted when there are no arguments.Example (no arguments): \newcommand\myHearts {\color{purple}{\heartsuit}\kern-2.5pt\color{green}{\heartsuit}} \myHearts\myHearts yields: $ \newcommand\myHearts {\color{purple}{\heartsuit}\kern-2.5pt\color{green}{\heartsuit}} \myHearts\myHearts $ A definition may take one or more arguments: Example (two arguments):\newcommand\myHearts[2] {\color{#1}{\heartsuit}\kern-2.5pt\color{#2}{\heartsuit}} \myHearts{red}{blue} yields: $ \newcommand\myHearts[2] {\color{#1}{\heartsuit}\kern-2.5pt\color{#2}{\heartsuit}} \myHearts{red}{blue} $ see also: \def, \newenvironment |
\newenvironment | for defining your own environments;\newenvironment must appear (within math delimiters) before it is used
\newenvironment{myEnvironmentName} [ <optional # of arguments, from 1 to 9> ] { <replacement text for each occurrence of \begin{myEnvironmentName}> } { <replacement text for each occurrence of \end{myEnvironmentName}> }
The bracketed # of arguments is omitted when there are no arguments.There must not be a command having the same name as the environment: for example, to use \begin{myHeart}...\end{myHeart} there may not be a command \myHeart .Example (no arguments): \newenvironment{myHeartEnv} {\color{purple}{\heartsuit}\kern-2.5pt\color{green}{\heartsuit}} {\text{ forever}} \begin{myHeartEnv} \end{myHeartEnv} yields: $ \newenvironment{myHeartEnv} {\color{purple}{\heartsuit}\kern-2.5pt\color{green}{\heartsuit}} {\text{ forever}} \begin{myHeartEnv} \end{myHeartEnv} $ An environment may take one or more arguments: Example (two arguments):\newenvironment{myHeartEnv}[2] {\color{#1}{\heartsuit}\kern-2.5pt\color{#2}{\heartsuit}} {\text{ forever}} \begin{myHeartEnv}{red}{blue} \end{myHeartEnv} yields: $ \newenvironment{myHeartEnv}[2] {\color{#1}{\heartsuit}\kern-2.5pt\color{#2}{\heartsuit}} {\text{ forever}} \begin{myHeartEnv}{red}{blue} \end{myHeartEnv} $ see also: \def, \newcommand |
\newline | line separator in alignment modes and environments in MathJax, these are essentially the same: \cr, \\ |
$\nexists$ |
$\ngeqslant$ |
$\ngtr$ |
\ni | $\ni$ |
$\nleqslant$ |
$\nless$ |
$\nmid$ |
in MathJax, this is the same as: \ (backslash space) |
\nolimits | used to change the default placement of limits; only allowed on items of class OP Examples:
\normalsize |
{\normalsize ... }
see also: \scriptsize |
\not | $\not{}$ |
\notin | $\notin$ |
$\nparallel$ |
$\nprec$ |
$\npreceq$ |
$\nshortmid$ |
$\nshortparallel$ |
$\nsim$ |
\nu | $\nu$ |
\nwarrow | $\nwarrow$ |
\oint | $\oint$ |
\oldstyle |
{\oldstyle ... }
see also: \cal, \mathcal |
\omicron | $\omicron$ |
\over | general command for making fractions { <subformula1> \over <subformula2> }
Creates a fraction:numerator: subformula1 denominator: subformula2 Examples:
\cfrac, \dfrac, \frac, \genfrac, \overwithdelims |
\overbrace | puts a (stretchy) over-brace over the argument; can use ‘ ^ ’ to place an optional superscript over the overbrace;can use ‘ _ ’ to place an optional subscript below the argument
\overbrace #1
see also: \underbrace |
\overleftarrow #1
Examples:\overrightarrow #1 \overleftrightarrow #1
\overline | $\overline{}$ |
\overline #1
\overparen | puts a (stretchy) over-parenthesis (over-arc, frown) over the argument (new in MathJax 2.6) \overparen #1
see also: \underparen, \smallfrown, \frown, \smallsmile, \smile |
\overset |
\overset #1 #2
oversets argument #1 (in scriptstyle) over argument #2Examples:
\overwithdelims | general command for making fractions; uses default thickness for fraction bar for current size specifies left and right enclosing delimiters { <subformula1> \overwithdelims <delim1> <delim2> <subformula2> }
Creates a fraction:numerator subformula1 denominator subformula2 delim1 is put before the fractiondelim2 is put after the fractionFor an empty delimiter, use ‘.’ in place of the delimiter. Examples:
\cfrac, \dfrac, \frac, \genfrac, \over |
\owns | $\owns$ |
\parallel | $\parallel$ |
\partial | $\partial$ |
\perp | $\perp$ |
\phantom |
Sometimes you want to pretend that something is there, for spacing reasons, but you don't want it to appear—you want it to be invisible—you want it to be a phantom. The box created by \phantom has width, height and depth equal to its argument.In other words, \phantom creates horizontal and vertical space equal to that of its argument,even though the argument isn't visible. \phantom #1
$\pitchfork$ |
\pm | $\pm$ |
\pmatrix |
\pmatrix{ <math> & <math> ... \cr <repeat as needed> }
alignment occurs at the ampersands;a double-backslash can be used in place of the \cr ;the final \\ or \cr is optionalExample:
\pmb |
\pmb #1
\pmod | $\pmod{}$ | parenthesized modulus operator; parenthesized modulo; 18 mu of leading space before the opening parenthesis in display style; 8 mu of leading space before the opening parenthesis in other styles; 6 mu of space after the word mod
\pmod #1
\pod | $\pod{}$ | parenthesized argument with leading space; 18 mu of leading space before the opening parenthesis in display style; 8 mu of leading space before the opening parenthesis in other styles \pod #1
\Pr | $\Pr$ |
\prec | $\prec$ |
$\preccurlyeq$ |
see also: \npreceq |
\prime | $\prime$ |
\prod | $\prod$ |
$\projlim$ |
see also: \varprojlim |
\propto | $\propto$ |
\quad \qquad |
\quad is a 1em space\qquad is a 2em spaceExamples:
\raise |
\raise <
raises the argument by the amount specified in <dimen > #1dimen >;in actual $\rm\TeX$, the argument to \raise (and \lower ) must be an \hbox ,but in MathJax it can be any expression (using an \hbox is allowed, but not required)Example:
\rangle | $\rangle$ |
\rbrace | $\rbrace$ |
\rbrack | $\rbrack$ |
\rceil | $\rceil$ |
\Re | $\Re$ |
\renewcommand | equivalent to \newcommand; for clarity of code, you may choose to use \renewcommand when re-defining a macro;this is different from actual $\,\rm\TeX\,$, where \renewcommand only allows redefining of an existing command see also: \def, \newcommand, \newenvironment |
\require (non-standard) | This is a MathJax-specific macro that can be used to load MathJax $\rm\TeX$ extensions (like the AMSmath extension) from within math mode, rather than having to include it in the configuration. For example,$\require{AMSsymbols}$ would cause MathJax to load the extensions/TeX/AMSsymbols.js file at that point.Since many people use MathJax in blogs and wikis that may not have all the extensions loaded, this makes it possible to load a lesser-used extension on a particular page, without having to include it in every page. |
$\restriction$ |
\rfloor | $\rfloor$ |
see also: \lfloor, \lceil, \rceil |
\rgroup | $\rgroup$ |
$\rhd$ |
see also: \lhd |
\rho | $\rho$ |
see also: \varrho |
\right | used for stretchy delimiters; see the Variable-Sized Delimiters Table for details Can be followed by:
see also: \left |
see also: \nrightarrow, \nRightarrow, \to |
$\rightarrowtail$ |
see also: \leftarrowtail |
$\rightleftarrows$ |
$\rightleftharpoons$ |
$\rightrightarrows$ |
$\rightsquigarrow$ |
$\rightthreetimes$ |
$\risingdotseq$ |
see also: \fallingdotseq |
\rlap |
\rlap #1
creates a box of width zero;the argument is then placed just to the right of this zero-width box (and hence will overlap whatever lies to the right) Example:
{=} forces the equal to not have REL spacing (since it is not adjacent to ORD 's);\mathrel{} forces the compound symbol (equal with overlapping slash) to be treated as a single REL ;the \; improves the spacing for the slash.see also: \llap |
\rm |
{\rm ... }
see also: \text, \hbox, \mathrm |
\rmoustache | $\rmoustache$ |
\root ... \of |
\root <index> \of #1
see also: \sqrt, \leftroot, \uproot |
$\Rrightarrow$ |
$\Rsh$ |
see also: \Lsh |
$\rtimes$ |
\Rule (non-standard) | a MathJax-specific macro giving a rule with a specified width, height, and depth
\Rule <dimenWidth> <dimenHeight> <dimenDepth>
where each argument is a dimension Examples:
stretchy when used with \left or \right Example:
\S | $\S$ |
\scr |
{ \scr ... }
see also: \mathscr |
\scriptscriptstyle |
{ \scriptscriptstyle ... }
Example:In inline mode:
\frac ab+\displaystyle\frac ab+\textstyle\frac ab+\scriptstyle\frac ab+\scriptscriptstyle\frac ab
yields: $\frac ab + \displaystyle\frac ab+\textstyle\frac ab+\scriptstyle\frac ab+\scriptscriptstyle\frac ab$ Example: In inline mode: \frac ab + {\scriptscriptstyle \frac cd + \frac ef} + \frac gh yields $\frac ab + {\scriptscriptstyle \frac cd + \frac ef} + \frac gh$ Example: In inline mode: \frac ab + \scriptscriptstyle{\frac cd + \frac ef} + \frac gh yields $\frac ab + \scriptscriptstyle{\frac cd + \frac ef} + \frac gh$ see also: \displaystyle, \scriptstyle, \textstyle |
\scriptsize |
{ \scriptsize ... }
see also: \normalsize |
\scriptstyle |
{ \scriptstyle ... }
Example:In inline mode:
\frac ab+\displaystyle\frac ab+\textstyle\frac ab+\scriptstyle\frac ab+\scriptscriptstyle\frac ab
yields: $\frac ab + \displaystyle\frac ab+\textstyle\frac ab+\scriptstyle\frac ab+\scriptscriptstyle\frac ab$ Example: In inline mode: \frac ab + {\scriptstyle \frac cd + \frac ef} + \frac gh yields $\frac ab + {\scriptstyle \frac cd + \frac ef} + \frac gh$ Example: In inline mode: \frac ab + \scriptstyle{\frac cd + \frac ef} + \frac gh yields $\frac ab + \scriptstyle{\frac cd + \frac ef} + \frac gh$ see also: \displaystyle, \scriptscriptstyle, \textstyle |
\searrow | $\searrow$ |
\sec | $\sec$ |
\setminus | $\setminus$ |
\sf |
{ \sf ... }
see also: \mathsf |
\sharp | $\sharp$ |
see also: \flat, \natural |
$\shortmid$ |
$\shortparallel$ |
forces flush left or flush right typesetting in a \multline or \multline* environment (see examples) Example: \begin{multline} (a+b+c+d)^2 \\ + (e+f)^2 + (g+h)^2 + (i+j)^2 + (k+l)^2 \\ + (m+n)^2 + (o+p)^2 + (q+r)^2 + (s+t)^2 + (u+v)^2 \\ + (w+x+y+z)^2 \end{multline} yields $$ \begin{multline} (a+b+c+d)^2 \\ + (e+f)^2 + (g+h)^2 + (i+j)^2 + (k+l)^2 \\ + (m+n)^2 + (o+p)^2 + (q+r)^2 + (s+t)^2 + (u+v)^2 \\ + (w+x+y+z)^2 \end{multline} $$ Example: \begin{multline} (a+b+c+d)^2 \\ \shoveleft{+ (e+f)^2 + (g+h)^2 + (i+j)^2 + (k+l)^2} \\ \shoveright{+ (m+n)^2 + (o+p)^2 + (q+r)^2 + (s+t)^2 + (u+v)^2} \\ + (w+x+y+z)^2 \end{multline} yields $$ \begin{multline} (a+b+c+d)^2 \\ \shoveleft{+ (e+f)^2 + (g+h)^2 + (i+j)^2 + (k+l)^2} \\ \shoveright{+ (m+n)^2 + (o+p)^2 + (q+r)^2 + (s+t)^2 + (u+v)^2} \\ + (w+x+y+z)^2 \end{multline} $$ |
used for putting symbols at the four ‘corners’ of a large operator (like $\displaystyle\sum$ or $\displaystyle\prod$ )
\sideset{_#1^#2}{_#3^#4} <large operator>
see also: \sum, \varsigma, \varSigma |
see also: \nsim |
\sin | $\sin$ |
see also: \cos |
\sinh | $\sinh$ |
see also: \cosh |
\skew | used to finely adjust the positioning on accents; particularly useful for adjusting superaccents (accents on accents); usually requires trial-and-error adjustment for proper positioning \skew #1 <accent>
where #1 is a positive integer (the skew amount)Examples:
\small |
{\small ... }
see also: \tiny, \Tiny, \normalsize, \large, \Large, \LARGE, \huge, \Huge |
$\smallfrown$ |
see also: \frown, \smile, \smallsmile |
\smallint | $\smallint$ |
see also: \int |
$\smallsetminus$ |
see also: \setminus |
$\smallsmile$ |
see also: \smile, \frown, \smallfrown |
\smash |
\smile | $\smile$ |
see also: \smallsmile, \frown, \smallfrown |
\space |
\Space (non-standard) | a MathJax-specific macro giving space with a specified width, height, and depth
\Space <dimenWidth> <dimenHeight> <dimenDepth>
where each argument is a dimension Compare:
\spadesuit | $\spadesuit$ |
$\sphericalangle$ |
\sqrt | $\sqrt{}$ |
\sqrt #1
\sqrt[n]{op} is equivalent to \root n \of {op}
see also: \root |
$\square$ |
\stackrel | stack relations; you can stack anything (not just relations) but it creates an item of class REL (and usually the bottom is a REL to start with, but doesn't have to be)
\stackrel #1 #2
where #1 (in superscript style) is stacked on top of #2 Examples:
\star | $\star$ |
\strut | an invisible box with no width, height 8.6pt and depth 3pt; note that \mathstrut changes with the current size, but \strut does notExamples:
\style | [HTML] non-standard; used to apply CSS styling to mathematics \style #1 #2
Example: Consider the following HTML/Javascript/MathJax code:<button type="button" onclick="makeVisible()">Click to reveal answer</button> <script type="text/javascript"> function makeVisible() { document.getElementById('answer').style.visibility = "visible"; } </script> $$ (x+1)^2 = \cssId{answer}\style{visibility:hidden}{(x+1)(x+1)} $$ Then, the result of this HTML/Javascript/MathJax code is: $$ (x+1)^2 = \cssId{answer}{\style{visibility:hidden}{(x+1)(x+1)}} $$ see also: \class, \cssId |
\subset | $\subset$ |
$\Subset$ |
use for multi-line subscripts or superscripts Examples:
see also: \begin{subarray} |
\succ | $\succ$ |
$\succcurlyeq$ |
\sum | $\sum$ |
see also: \Sigma |
\sup | $\sup$ |
\supset | $\supset$ |
$\Supset$ |
\surd | $\surd$ |
\swarrow | $\swarrow$ |
see also: \nearrow, \nwarrow, \searrow |
used primarily in AMS math environments to get tags (equation numbers, labels); can, however, be used on any equation; the argument of \tag is typeset in text mode, but math mode can be used within the text:for example, \tag{\$\bullet\$} You can use dollar signs in text-mode regardless of the settings of the inlineMath delimiters in the tex2jax preprocessor.\tag #1
\tan | $\tan$ |
\tanh | $\tanh$ |
see also: \cosh, \sinh |
\tau | $\tau$ |
notation commonly used for binomial coefficients; in textstyle
\tbinom #1 #2
\TeX | $\TeX$ |
see also: \LaTeX |
\text #1
Examples:\textbf #1 \textit #1 \textrm #1 \textsf #1 \texttt #1
see also: \bf, \mathbf ; \it, \mathit ; \rm, \mathrm ; \sf, \mathsf ; \tt, \mathtt |
\textstyle |
{ \textstyle ... }
Example:In display mode: \frac ab + {\textstyle \frac cd + \frac ef} + \frac gh yields $\displaystyle\frac ab + {\textstyle \frac cd + \frac ef} + \frac gh$ Example: In inline mode:
\frac ab+{\displaystyle\frac ab}+\frac ab+\scriptstyle\frac ab+\scriptscriptstyle\frac ab
yields: $\frac ab + {\displaystyle\frac ab}+\frac ab+\scriptstyle\frac ab+\scriptscriptstyle\frac ab$ see also: \displaystyle, \scriptstyle, \scriptscriptstyle |
textstyle fraction
\tfrac #1 #2
see also: \frac, \dfrac |
$\therefore$ |
$\thickapprox$ |
see also: \approx |
$\thicksim$ |
\thinspace | thin space; normally $\frac 16$ of a quad Example: thinspaces between letters: $a\thinspace b\thinspace c\thinspace d$ see also: symbols for spaces, \negthinspace |
\tilde | $\tilde{}$ |
\tilde #1
Usually, #1 is a single letter; otherwise, accent is centered over argument.Examples:
\times | $\times$ |
\tiny |
{\tiny ... }
{\Tiny ... }
\to | $\to$ |
tool tips | Tool tips are not built into MathJax, but you can click here to benefit from a posting by Davide P. Cervone (April 2011) at the MathJax Users Group. |
\top | $\top$ |
see also: \ntriangleleft, \ntriangleright, \vartriangle, \vartriangleleft, \vartriangleright |
see also: \ntriangleleft, \ntriangleright, \vartriangle, \vartriangleleft, \vartriangleright |
see also: \ntrianglelefteq, \ntrianglerighteq |
$\triangleq$ |
\tt |
{\tt ... }
They are valid after \left , \right , and the various \big commands.see also: \llcorner, \lrcorner |
\underbrace | puts a (stretchy) under-brace under the argument; can use ‘ ^ ’ to place an optional superscript over the argument;can use ‘ _ ’ to place an optional subscript below the underbrace
\underbrace #1
see also: \overbrace |
\underleftarrow #1
Examples:\underrightarrow #1 \underleftrightarrow #1
\underline | $\underline{}$ |
\underline #1
\underparen | puts a (stretchy) under-parenthesis (under-arc, smile) under the argument (new in MathJax 2.6) \underparen #1
see also: \overparen, \smallfrown, \frown, \smallsmile, \smile |
\underset |
\underset #1 #2
undersets argument #1 (in scriptstyle) under argument #2;the top item is properly aligned with the surrounding text (their baselines match) Examples:
\uplus | $\uplus$ |
\uproot | used to fine-tune the placement of the index inside \sqrt or \root (see examples)
\sqrt[... \uproot #1 ...]{...}
where the argument is a small integer:\root ... \uproot #1 ... \of {...} a positive integer moves the index up; a negative integer moves the index down In actual TeX, \uproot is not allowed in \root ,so this is a difference between MathJax and $\rm\TeX$. Examples:
see also: \leftroot, \root |
$\upuparrows$ |
$\varDelta$ |
see also: \Delta |
$\varepsilon$ |
see also: \epsilon |
$\varGamma$ |
see also: \Gamma |
$\varinjlim$ |
see also: \injlim |
$\varkappa$ |
see also: \kappa |
$\varLambda$ |
see also: \Lambda |
can change limit placement using \limits and \nolimits ;see the Big Operators Table for examples see also: \limsup, \liminf |
$\varnothing$ |
$\varOmega$ |
see also: \Omega |
\varphi | $\varphi$ |
see also: \phi |
$\varPhi$ |
see also: \Phi |
\varpi | $\varpi$ |
see also: \pi |
$\varPi$ |
see also: \Pi |
$\varprojlim$ | projective limit; variant; does not change size; can change limit placement using \limits and \nolimits; see the Big Operators Table for examples see also: \projlim |
$\varpropto$ |
see also: \propto |
$\varPsi$ |
see also: \Psi |
$\varrho$ |
see also: \rho |
$\varsigma$ |
see also: \sigma |
$\varSigma$ |
see also: \Sigma |
see also: \subsetneq, \subsetneqq |
see also: \supsetneq, \supsetneqq |
see also: \theta, \Theta |
$\varUpsilon$ |
see also: \upsilon |
$\varXi$ |
see also: \Xi |
\vcenter |
\vcenter #1
centers the argument on the ‘math axis’,which is at half the height of an ‘x’, or about the position of a minus sign; one of the reasons for \vcenter is to get stretchy delimiters to match the contents betterExamples:
\vdash | $\vdash$ |
see also: \nVdash, \nvDash |
\vdots | $\vdots$ |
\vec | non-stretchy vector symbol
\vec #1
see also: \overrightarrow |
\vee | $\vee$ |
$\veebar$ |
\verb | verbatim mode; useful for code snippets and for displaying special characters ‘as is’ (i.e., not interpreted by MathJax). Only works in display mode. Usually, verbatim content is typeset in a sans serif font. \verb $\diamond$ <non-interpreted material> $\diamond$
where $\diamond$ denotes a non-letter character that does not appear in the <non-interpreted material> .To use \verb :
Examples (in display mode): \verb*$x^2\sqrt y$* \text{ yields } x^2\sqrt y yields: $$\verb*$x^2\sqrt y$* \text{ yields } x^2\sqrt y$$ \verb!Text and $\frac ab$ in \verb mode! yields: $$\verb!Text and $\frac ab$ in \verb mode!$$ |
\left or \right see also: |, \|, \lvert, \lVert, \rvert, \rVert |
\vphantom | vertical phantom Sometimes you want to pretend that something is there, for spacing reasons, but you don't want it to appear—you want it to be invisible—you want it to be a phantom. The box created by \vphantom has the height and depth of its argument,but its width is zero (so it doesn't contribute to any horizontal spacing issues). In other words, \vphantom creates vertical space equal to that produced by its argument,but doesn't create any horizontal space. \vphantom #1
$\Vvdash$ |
\wedge | $\wedge$ |
\widehat | $\widehat{\ \ \ }$ |
\widehat #1
see also: \hat |
\widetilde | $\widetilde{\ \ \ }$ |
\widetilde #1
\wp | $\wp$ |
\wr | $\wr$ |
\Xi | $\Xi$ |
see also: \varXi |
\xi | $\xi$ |
\xleftarrow[optionalArgument] #1
where the optional arguments (inside brackets, if desired) appear below the arrows (see examples).\xrightarrow[optionalArgument] #1 Examples:
$\yen$ |
\zeta | $\zeta$ |
$\rm\LaTeX$ environments of the form \begin{XXX} ... \end{XXX}
are provided, as listed in the table below.
The processEnvironments
value in the tex2jax
block of the MathJax configuration controls processing behavior:
processEnvironments: true
(the default) causes environments to be processed both inside and outside of math delimitersprocessEnvironments: false
causes environments to be processed only when they appear inside math delimiters
For vertical alignment of two or more lines at one or more places:
EXAMPLES: Alignment at a single location:
yields $$ \begin{align} (a+b)^2 &= (a+b)(a+b) \tag{3.1c} \\ &= a^2 + ab + ba + b^2 \tag{$\dagger$} \\ &= a^2 + 2ab + b^2 \tag{$\ast$} \end{align} $$ Alignment at more than one location is trickier. It is best illustrated with an example: see also: \eqalign, \eqalignno, \leqalignno |
[May 2011] same as align | ||||||||||||||||
For vertical alignment of two or more lines at one or more places; produces a more horizontally-compressed display than align:
Then, there will be $2n - 1$ ampersands used, as follows:
see also: \eqalignat, \eqalignatno, \leqalignatno |
[May 2011] same as alignat | ||||||||||||||||
Used to create an array (matrix), where columns can be individually left-justified, centered, or right-justified.
both columns left-justified:
\begin{array}{ll} aaa & b\cr c & ddd \end{array} yields $$ \begin{array}{ll} aaa & b\cr c & ddd \end{array} $$ both columns right-justified:
\begin{array}{rr} aaa & b\cr c & ddd \end{array} yields $$ \begin{array}{rr} aaa & b\cr c & ddd \end{array} $$ both columns centered, with separating line:
\begin{array}{c|c} aaa & b\cr c & ddd \end{array} yields $$ \begin{array}{c|c} aaa & b\cr c & ddd \end{array} $$ first column left-justified; second column right-justified:
\begin{array}{lr} aaa & b\cr c & ddd \end{array} yields $$ \begin{array}{lr} aaa & b\cr c & ddd \end{array} $$ Putting a pipe character ‘|’ at the beginning or end of the justification info encloses the entire structure, which is different from standard $\,\rm\TeX\,$:\begin{array}{|lr} aaa & b\cr c & ddd \end{array}
see also: \begin{matrix}, \begin{subarray}yields $$ \begin{array}{|lr} aaa & b\cr c & ddd \end{array} $$ |
Used to create a matrix (an array) with braces $\{\,,\,\}$ as enclosing delimiters; columns are centered.
Used to create a matrix (an array) with brackets $[\,,\,]$ as enclosing delimiters; columns are centered.
Used for piecewise-defined functions
for ‘equation arrays’; aligns at one or more places; surround the character(s) to be aligned with ampersands, as shown below; content between alignment characters (or between alignment characters and end-of-line) is left-justified; a double backslash ‘ \\ ’ or carriage return ‘\cr ’ separates rowsExamples: \begin{eqnarray} y &=& (x-1)^2 \\ &=& (x-1)(x-1) \\ &=& x^2 - 2x + 1 \end{eqnarray} yields $$ \begin{eqnarray} y &=& (x-1)^2 \\ &=& (x-1)(x-1) \\ &=& x^2 - 2x + 1 \end{eqnarray} $$ \begin{eqnarray} (x-1)^2 &=& (x-1)(x-1) &=& x^2-2x + 1 \\ (x-1)^3 &=& (x-1)(x-1)(x-1) &=& (x-1)^2(x-1) \end{eqnarray} yields $$ \begin{eqnarray} (x-1)^2 &=& (x-1)(x-1) &=& x^2-2x + 1 \\ (x-1)^3 &=& (x-1)(x-1)(x-1) &=& (x-1)^2(x-1) \end{eqnarray} $$ |
eqnarray* | [May 2011] same as equarray | ||||||||||||||||
[May 2011] ignored, until MathJax implements automatic numbering | ||||||||||||||||
equation* | [May 2011] ignored | ||||||||||||||||
to display any number of centered formulas (without any alignment); a double backslash ‘ \\ ’ or carriage return ‘\cr ’ separates rows;individual lines may be tagged using the \tag{} command:
Example: \begin{gather} a = a \tag{$*$}\\ \text{if } a=b \text{ then } b=a \tag{$\dagger$}\\ \text{if } a=b \text{ and } b=c \text{ then } a=c\tag{3.1} \end{gather} yields: $$ \begin{gather} a = a \tag{$*$}\\ \text{if } a=b \text{ then } b=a \tag{$\dagger$}\\ \text{if } a=b \text{ and } b=c \text{ then } a=c \tag{3.1} \end{gather} $$ see also: \displaylines |
[May 2011] same as gather | ||||||||||||||||
Used to create a matrix (an array) without any enclosing delimiters; columns are centered.
a multi-line environment; typically used for formulas/equations that don't fit on a single line
Examples: \begin{multline} \rm first\ line \\ \rm second\ line \\ \rm third\ line \\ \rm fourth\ line \end{multline} yields: $$ \begin{multline} \rm first\ line \\ \rm second\ line \\ \rm third\ line \\ \rm fourth\ line \end{multline} $$ \begin{multline} \rm first\ line \\ \shoveleft\rm second\ line \\ \shoveright\rm third\ line \\ \rm fourth\ line \end{multline} yields: $$ \begin{multline} \rm first\ line \\ \shoveleft\rm second\ line \\ \shoveright\rm third\ line \\ \rm fourth\ line \end{multline} $$ see also: \begin{split} |
multline* [AMSmath] | [May 2011] same as multline see also: \shoveleft, \shoveright |
Used to create a matrix (an array) with parentheses $(\,,\,)$ as enclosing delimiters; columns are centered.
Used to create a small matrix (an array); particularly suited for use in text; columns are centered.
for single equations that are too long to fit on one line, and hence must be split into multiple lines; allows for (optional) alignment at one or more places, using ‘&’ to mark alignment points Examples: \begin{split} \text{first line}\\ &\text{first aligned place} &\text{second aligned place} \\ &\text{and more first aligned}\qquad &\text{and more second aligned} \\ \text{no ampersands on this line} \\ & &\text{aligned at second place} \\ \text{no amps here either} \end{split} yields: $$ \begin{split} \text{first line}\\ &\text{first aligned place} &\text{second aligned place} \\ &\text{and more first aligned}\qquad &\text{and more second aligned} \\ \text{no ampersands on this line} \\ & &\text{aligned at second place} \\ \text{no amps here either} \end{split} $$ see also: \begin{multline} |
a more compact version of \begin{array}; can be used for multi-subscripts and multi-superscripts on large operators; columns can be individually left-justified, centered, or right-justified
\prod_{\begin{subarray}{rl} i\lt 5 & j\gt 1 \\ k\ge2,\,k\ne 5 \quad & \ell\le 5,\,\ell\ne 2 \end{subarray}} x_{ijk\ell} yields $$ \prod_{\begin{subarray}{rl} i\lt 5\quad & j\gt 1 \\ k\ge2,\,k\ne 5 \quad & \ell\le 5,\,\ell\ne 2 \end{subarray}} x_{ijk\ell} $$ see also: \substack, \begin{array} |
Used to create a matrix (an array) with $\|\,,\,\|$ as enclosing delimiters; columns are centered.
Used to create a matrix (an array) with $|\,,\,|$ as enclosing delimiters; columns are centered.
내용 출처
TeX Commands available in MathJax
{ } braces, used for grouping; for literal braces, use \{ and \} There are two basic grouping constructs that use braces; I will refer to them as ‘arguments’ versus ‘braced groups’. If you're not aware which construct is in force, then you can g
MathJax에서 유용한 TeX 명령어
\small 작은 크기 활성화; 모든 수식에 영향을 준다. class ORD {\small ... } 보기: \rm\tiny tiny \Tiny Tiny \small small \normalsize normal \large lg \Large Lg \LARGE LG \huge hg \Huge Hg 결과 $ \rm\tiny tiny \Tiny Tiny \small small \n
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