;; Block's World
;; Global Variables
(defstruct blocks (name nil) (color nil) (ison 'table) (isunder nil))
(defvar *blocks*)
;; Main
(defun start-world () (setf *blocks* nil))
(defun new-block (name color)
(push (make-blocks :name name :color color) *blocks*))
(defun get-block (name)
(dolist (x *blocks* nil)
(if (equal name (blocks-name x)) (return x))))
(defun clear-top? (name)
(if (get-block name)
(if (blocks-isunder (get-block name))
(format t "~&Block ~S supports something." name) 'T)
(format t "~&Unknown block named: ~S" name)))
(defun lift-off (name)
(if (clear-top? name)
(if (equal (blocks-ison (get-block name)) 'table) 'T
(setf (blocks-isunder (get-block (blocks-ison (get-block name)))) nil)
(setf (blocks-ison (get-block name)) 'table) 'T)) nil))
(defun put-on (on-name under-name)
(if (and (clear-top? on-name) (clear-top? under-name))
(if (equal (blocks-ison (get-block on-name)) 'table)
(progn (setf (blocks-ison (get-block on-name)) under-name)
(setf (blocks-isunder (get-block under-name)) on-name) 'T)
(progn (setf (blocks-isunder (get-block (blocks-ison (get-block on-name)))) nil)
(setf (blocks-ison (get-block on-name)) under-name)
(setf (blocks-isunder (get-block under-name)) on-name) 'T))))
(defun print-world ()
(dolist (x *blocks*)
(format t "~&Block ~S(~S) is on ~a and supports ~a."
(blocks-name x) (blocks-color x)
(if (equal (blocks-ison x) 'table) "the table" (blocks-ison x))
(if (equal (blocks-isunder x) nil) "nothing" (blocks-isunder x)))))
EXAMPLE RUN NIL > (new-block 'a 'red) (#S(BLOCK NAME A COLOR RED ISON TABLE ISUNDER NIL)) > (new-block 'b 'blue) (#S(BLOCK NAME B COLOR BLUE ISON TABLE ISUNDER NIL) #S(BLOCK NAME A COLOR RED ISON TABLE ISUNDER NIL)) > (new-block 'c 'green) (#S(BLOCK NAME C COLOR GREEN ISON TABLE ISUNDER NIL) #S(BLOCK NAME B COLOR BLUE ISON TABLE ISUNDER NIL) #S(BLOCK NAME A COLOR RED ISON TABLE ISUNDER NIL)) > (put-on 'd 'e) Unknown block named: D NIL > (put-on 'b 'a) T > (put-on 'c 'a) Block A supports something.NIL > (put-on 'c 'b) T > (lift-off 'a) Block A supports something. NIL > (lift-off 'c) T > (print-world) Block C (GREEN) is on the table and supports nothing. Block B (BLUE) is on A and supports nothing. Block A (RED) is on the table and supports B. NIL |
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